Chop Wood Carry Water Plant Seeds is a blog about Self-Sufficient Homesteading. How can we live by creating a sustainable bio-diverse world, instead of by consuming and destroying the only one we have? What kind of teaching have you got if you exclude nature?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Urban Balcony Gardening

My wife and I decided last year to start urban gardening on our balcony on the top (4th) floor. We get lots of sun during the day something Tomatoes and Paprika prefer.
So we decided to turn the balcony into a Green House as you can see in the photo bellow :)

What we did is next (in the chronological order) ;
We decided to plant seeds instead of already grown plants. After some time the seeds grew into plantlets.
When the plants became taller we started to move them into individual small post
We decided to grow the tomatoes and peppers in the self-watering boxes made of styrofoam. 
I drilled small holes into the plastic bottles so water can soak the soil
The bottles are filled with soil which is submersed in the water for plant roots to feed on. The small hole on the side is for topping up water.
We made 6 boxes all together 5 for toamtoes and 1 for paprika. 15 bush tomatoe plats and 3 paprika plants
We placed whole bags of garden soil which we bought very cheep on top of the boxes and made matching holes in the bags as in the boxes so plats can simply develope roots into the plastic bottles to reach water. 
After a while plants beggan to flower :))) and first tomatoes showing up
we had lots of vegetables all summer long
We would make a tomato-paprika soup every second day
every time we top off the water in the boxes we would add some liquid organic fertiliser to the water inside the boxses.

I like the way Mike Lieberman sais "Forget about not having a lot of land. Learn how to use your space — and start gardening" :))) He has some great tips on his web page.

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